🔞I love all things hentai, horror, and eroguro🔞
[Commissions Open 2/5]

Neko Ai @nek0ai



Joined on 10/5/18

Exp Points:
5,399 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.43 votes
Art Scouts
Town Watch
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
2y 4m 20d

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Latest News


It's been a while. *cue random song from staind*

first, I would like to say, THANK YOU FOR THE BIG 700, THAT WAS A BIG MILESTONE IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET TO <3 Newgrounds has been a HUGE inspiration to me since I was a small kid watching my older cousins play madness combat, dad n' me, alien hominid, and just SO many more. Thank you <3

I wanted to just update, because I haven't been the most active on here or on discord. I really want to get back to being active, maybe even help out with organizing some Toronto ng meetups for the future too. It's just been hella busy with my personal life with family, doing irl events like art markets, making money and all that. I'm also going to try and be getting back into school, so that will have me beyond busy as well.

one of the reasons I haven't been the most active tho too, is because I feel like my creative expression has been changing a bit. obviously still love my lewd things, I still love drawing the booba, but I have noticed that I'm really leaning towards more of the horror aspects of my art then the lewd. I know a lot of you obviously follow for more the nsfw stuff, and I'm always going to be doing some type of erotic art, but I just feel my artistic expression is again, leaning more towards on side then the other. I guess I was curious about what you guys feel about this? if there's any feelings at all honestly. lol I love this site and I love everyone that supports my art, and all my friends I've made here <3 Thank you if you read all the way to here, thank you newgrounds, for existing, letting me express myself artistically, and letting everyone here for that matter do the same. <3


Recent Game Medals

485 Points

Playah 50 Points

Play NG Stars

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Welcome to Season 2! 10 Points

Played Season 2 for the first time!

God Hearts 5 Points

Get a passing score in the tutorial

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Die. 5 Points

lose a run by being really bad at video games!

Shoot. 5 Points

Fire your finger guns for the first time!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Beat a Bot 5 Points

Won a game of single player

Available for Work

Open for commissions!


Hello! I have reopened my commissions after a long break!

For now, I will only have one slot open per month. It gives me a bit of time to not overwhelm myself, and it also

gives me time to work on other projects that I am and will be working on! That being said, I also will have a

waiting list, so the next person that is on that waiting list will be the next in line!

Price Guide:

Here is the basic prices, prices may vary depending how many characters and if you would like prints, original copies and so on! This is just to help you decide what you would like and what I can offer!

Simple (Cell Shaded):

Full Body: $75

Thigh-up: $60

Bust: $45


Full Body: $150

Thigh up: $135

Bust: $120


Extra Character: + 90% (to base price)

Simple BG: + 10% (to base price)

*Final notes*

☆ All prices in USD

☆ I ask 50% up front, and the other 50% upon completion

☆ Email me at nek0ai666@gmail.com for more info if you are unclear or want more details on something in particular!

☆ Thank you!
