Hello! I’m slowly getting back to being okay! I have an amazing support network with my friends, family and all that. :3
I don’t want to say too many details, but I broke up with my ex partner, and moved out. Just working on me, career goals and drawing. I wanted to say thank you for sticking around, I’ll be posting things again, I’ve just been going through a lot of big changes, but I’m ready!
i also wanted to congratulate my ng homies for the sequel of Love Me Newgrounds! I wish I could have done way more, but I was just going through lots of changes and things, but I am so happy it exists! You guys killed it!! Here’s the game!
I’m also in the process of more script writing for something I’ll be working onnn, so watch out for that this year! Thank you!
one more batch of news! Sadly since I’ve been doing a lot of things, I won’t be able to do a panel for the Newgrounds Summer Fest this time around, BUT I will be staff! So I can’t wait to see the chaos and be apart of it once again! Info for the NGSF here!
well for now that’s all I got, I’ll be posting some doodles and sketches later today!